A SpatialPolygonDataFrame of New York leukemia data projected in UTM Zone 18 using WGS84.
AREANAME. name of study area (Auburn city--Vestal town)
AREAKEY. unique identifier of study area (36007000100--36109992300)
X. x-coordinates of spatial polygons (-55.482300--53.508600)
Y. y-coordinates of spatial polygons (-75.290700--56.410130)
POP8. (9--13015)
TRACTCAS. (0.00--9.29)
PROPCAS. (0.000000--0.006993)
PCTOWNHOME. (0.00082237--1.0000000)
PCTAGE65. (0.00404412--0.5050505)
Z. (-1.92062--4.71053)
AVGDIST. (0.0184667--3.5263750)
PEXPOSURE. (0.613384--5.865441)
Cases. number of leukemia cases in New York based on studya area (0.00014--9.286010)
Xm. (-55482.300--53508.600)
Ym. (-75290.700--56410.130)
Xshift. (363839.3--472830.2)
Yshift. (4653564--4785265)