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A simple feature (sf) dataframe of Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) Dissemination Areas (DAs) with some generic variables. The projection is: EPSG: 26917 proj4string: "+proj=utm +zone=17 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs". The generic variables were simulated by A. Paez based Moran Eigenvectors.




A data frame with 297 rows and 8 variables


The variables are as follows:

  • ID. Unique Identifier for the area

  • GTA06. Unique Identifier for DA according to the Transportation Tomorrow Survey GTA06 geography

  • VAR 1. Varible used to create a thematic map (0.3788377--0.3482670)

  • VAR 2. Varible used to create a thematic map (0.3418337--0.4953046)

  • VAR 3. Varible used to create a thematic map (0.3450731--0.2735642)

  • VAR 4. Varible used to create a thematic map (0.3057122--0.4634048)

  • VAR 5. Varible used to create a thematic map (0.3622016--0.4760264)