A table with information about the estimated cost of travel from each traffic analysis zone to downtown Hamilton (Jackson Square).
A data frame with 297 rows and 6 variables:
- GTA06
Unique identifier of zone in the GTA06 system
- from
Address in the traffic analysis zone used for routing
- to
Address of destination
- km
Distance of trip in km
- minutes
Duration of trip in minutes
- hours
Duration of trip in hours
#> GTA06 from to km
#> Min. :4050 Length:297 Length:297 Min. : 0.493
#> 1st Qu.:5023 Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 6.588
#> Median :5106 Mode :character Mode :character Median :12.521
#> Mean :4985 Mean :13.529
#> 3rd Qu.:5188 3rd Qu.:19.259
#> Max. :6020 Max. :37.558
#> NA's :1
#> minutes hours
#> Min. : 1.917 Min. :0.03194
#> 1st Qu.:13.488 1st Qu.:0.22479
#> Median :18.200 Median :0.30333
#> Mean :17.722 Mean :0.29537
#> 3rd Qu.:22.438 3rd Qu.:0.37396
#> Max. :35.000 Max. :0.58333
#> NA's :1 NA's :1