These data were collected by Antoniucci and Marella to analyze the correlation between the housing price gradient and the immigrant population in Italy during 2016. The data may also be useful in other statistical analyses, be they on the real estate market or in other branches of the social sciences. The data relate to 112 Italian provincial capitals and provide accurate information on urban structure, and specifically on urban density.
A data frame with 112 rows and 21 variables:
- capital_name
Provincial Capitals
- grad_existing
Housing prices gradient (existing units)
- grad_new
Housing prices gradient (new units)
- population
Population (no.)
- log_population
(LOG) Population (No.)
- immigrants
Immigrants (No.)
- log_immigrants
(LOG) Immigrants
- emp_retail_tourism
Employees in retail and tourism (No.)
- emp_service
Employees in services (No.)
- female_emp_rate
Female employment rate (%)
- emp_rate
Employment rate (%)
- income_per_capita
Per capita income (euro)
- log_income_per_capita
(LOG) Per capita income
- density
Urban density (inhab/SqKmq)
- log_density
(LOG) Urban density
- transit_per_capita
Per capita public transport availability rate
- distance
Distance between Center and Periphery (Km)
- housing_surface
Housing units surface (sqm)
- mean_alt
Mean altitude (M SL)
- housing_units
Housing units (No.)
- building_density
Building density (housing units/res. bld)
Antoniucci, Valentina, and Giuliano Marella. "Housing price gradient and immigrant population: Data from the Italian real estate market." Data in Brief 16 (2018): 794-798. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2017.12.018
gradient <- price_gradient$grad_existing