Indice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS) / São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index - Census tracts
Simple features object with the dataset of the São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index at the census tract level.
A simple features data frame with 66,096 rows and 29 variables:
Census tract code
Is the sector a subnormal agglomeration? The census tract can be classified as: "Não especial" (Non-subnormal), "Subnormal" (Subnormal). This is a classification used to designate favelas (slums), invasões (invaded properties), grotas (slums in deep valleys), baixadas (slums in low-lands), comunidades (poor communities), vilas (slums in villages), ressacas (slums in backwaters), mocambos (type of shack) and palafitas (stilt houses), among other irregular settlements
Indice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social (IPVS) group / São Paulo Social Vulnerability Index (IVPS) group. The census tract can be classified as: "Não classificado" (not classified), "Baixíssima vulnerabilidade" (Extremely low vulnerability), "Vulnerabilidade muito baixa" (Very low vulnerability), "Vulnerabilidade baixa" (Low vulnerability), "Vulnerabilidade média" (Medium vulnerability), "Vulnerabilidade alta" (High vulnerability), "Vulnerabilidade muito alta" (Very high vulnerability).
- v11
Private and collective domiciles
- v12
Permanent private domiciles
- v13
Total improvised private domiciles
- v16
Proportion of children aged 0-5 in the population
- v19
Per capita income of permanent private domiciles
- v20
Proportion of domiciles with no per capita income
- v21
Proportion of domiciles with per capita income of up to 1/8 MW - Proxy of up to 70
- v22
Proportion of domiciles with per capita income from 1/8 to 1/2 MW - Proxy from 70 to 261
- v23
Proportion of domiciles with per capita income from 1/2 to 2 MW - Proxy from 261 to 914
- v24
Proportion of domiciles with per capita income of more than 2 MW - Proxy of more than 914
- v25
Proportion of private domiciles with nominal monthly income of up to 1/2 MW
- v26
Proportion of private domiciles with nominal monthly income of up to 1/4 MW
- v27
Average age of head of household
- v28
Average income of the person responsible for the household
- v29
Proportion of literate heads of household
- v30
Proportion of heads of household aged between 10 and 29
- v40
Proportion of permanent private domiciles with mains water supply
- v41
Proportion of permanent private domiciles with a bathroom for the exclusive use of residents or with sanitary sewage and sewage through a general or rainwater network or septic tank
- v42
Proportion of permanent private domiciles with garbage collected by a cleaning service or cleaning service garbage can
- v43
Proportion of permanent private domiciles with electricity
- zone
Rural or urban
- code_muni
Municipality code
- name_muni
Municipality name
- code_district
District code
- name_district
District name
- code_state
State code
indices <- cntr_sp_ipvs$IPVS