Auctions in a Distressed Real Estate Market in Italy: Auction Market Features.
Data describing Real Estate (RE) distressed market, with a focus on property foreclosures in North-East Italy between 2000 and 2016. The data were collected by Canesi and Marella by means of a survey sent to financial institutions, courts of law and different associations of public notaries. The aim of the survey was to record real estate auctions, and their technical and socio-economic features. The data provide information about housing market trends and performance as well as demographic features.
A data frame with 125 rows and 15 variables:
- id
Unique identifier of the property auctioned
- days_on_market
Number of days the property stayed on the auctioned market before being sold; the difference between the date of sale (closing date) and the first auction starting date (opening bid)
- number_auctions
The number of bidding proceedings before the selling
- discount
Percentage variation between the first listing value (which equals the market value assessed by the appraisal) and the selling price
- premium
Premium paid by the winner bidder to win the auction calculated as the percentage variation between the last listing value and the final selling price
- date
Date when the property was assessed by the appraisal, in Year-Month-Day format
Canesi, Rubina, and Giuliano Marella. "Data from RE distressed market: Properties auctions in Italy." Data in Brief 18 (2018): 319-324. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.009
discount <- auctions_amf$discount