Antonio Páez
Professor, School of Earth, Environment and Society
McMaster University
Tohoku Unversity
Sendai, Japan
Thesis Title: Applied Statistical Analysis of Geographically Detailed Data with Emphasis on Spatial Effects
Tohoku Unversity
Sendai, Japan
Thesis Title: Evaluation of Environmental Changes Caused by Urbanization
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Monterrey, Mexico
Academic Experience
School of Earth, Society and Environment, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2014-present
Associate Professor
School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2007-June 2014
Assistant Professor
School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
July 2002-June 2007
Research Fellow-Lecturer
Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
Sendai, Japan
October 2000-March 2002
Instructor-Topographical Survey Laboratory
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Monterrey, Mexico
January 1993-December 1993
Selected Publications
A Páez, DM Scott, C Morency (2012)
Measuring accessibility: positive and normative implementations of various accessibility indicators. Journal of Transport Geography,
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 861
A Páez, DM Scott (2004)
Spatial statistics for urban analysis: A review of techniques with examples. GeoJournal, 61, 53-67
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 446
DC Wheeler (2021)
Geographically weighted regression. Handbook of regional science, 1895-1921
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 405
A Páez, K Whalen (2010)
Enjoyment of commute: A comparison of different transportation modes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44 (7), 537-549
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 383
JA Black, A Paez, PA Suthanaya (2002)
Sustainable urban transportation: Performance indicators and some analytical approaches. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 128 (4), 184-209
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 370
KE Whalen, A Páez, JA Carrasco (2013)
Mode choice of university students commuting to schooland the role of active travel. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 132-142
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 368
KB Newbold, DM Scott, JEL Spinney, P Kanaroglou, A Páez (2005)
Travel behavior within Canada’s older population: a cohort analysis. Journal of Transport Geography, 13 (4), 340-351
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 329
A Páez, RG Mercado, S Farber, C Morency, M Roorda (2010)
Relative accessibility deprivation indicators for urban settings: definitions and application to food deserts in Montreal. Urban Studies, 47 (7), 1415-1438
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 322
A Páez, S Farber, D Wheeler (2011)
A simulation-based study of geographically weighted regression as a method for investigating spatially varying relationships. Environment and Planning-Part A, 43 (12), 2992
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 290
A Paez, D Scott, D Potoglou, P Kanaroglou, KB Newbold (2007)
Elderly mobility: demographic and spatial analysis of trip making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada. Urban Studies, 44 (1), 123-146
Number of cites (Google Scholar): 275
Selected Talks, Courses, Seminars, and Panels
Introducing spatial availability, a singly-constrained accessibility measure
Workshop, Instructor
Yuxi City, China
December 1-2024
Asian Geographical Association with International Geographical Union and Geographical Society of China
Open Science for Young Geographers
Fourth Workshop of Asian Young Geographer, Keynote Speaker
Yuxi City, China
November 29-2024
Asian Geographical Association with International Geographical Union and Geographical Society of China
Open Educational Resources: What, Why and How?
Invited Talk, Speaker
Yuxi City, China
November 28-2024
School of Geography and Land Engineering, Yuxi Normal University
Equidad y Transporte
Invited Talk, Speaker
Madrid, Spain
October 22-2024
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ciencia Abierta para Jóvenes Transportistas
Invited Talk, Speaker
Madrid, Spain
October 16-2024
TRANSyT, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Introducing spatial availability, a singly-constrained accessibility measure
Workshop, Instructor
Vienna, Austria
July 16-2024
BOKU University
Principles of spatial interaction
Invited Talk, Speaker
Hamilton, Canada
June 24-2024
CIV TECH 3TP3, McMaster University
Just transportation
Invited Talk, Speaker
S~{a}o Paulo, Brazil
June 19-2024
Universidade de S~{a}o Paulo
Ci{^e}ncia Aberta para Todos
Invited Talk, Speaker
S~{a}o Paulo, Brazil
June 18-2024
Universidade Federal do ABC
An introduction to exploratory data analysis in R
Workshop, Instructor
S~{a}o Paulo, Brazil
June 10-15-2024
Universidade Federal do ABC